
#ifdef ZTS
# define CG(v) TSRMG(compiler_globals_id, zend_compiler_globals *, v)
int zendparse(void *compiler_globals);
# define CG(v) (compiler_globals.v)
extern ZEND_API struct _zend_compiler_globals compiler_globals;
int zendparse(void);
  • TSRM -> Thread Safe Resource Manager
  • LANG_SCNG -> Language Scanner Globals
typedef struct _znode {
	int op_type;
	union {
		zval constant;

		zend_uint var;
		zend_uint opline_num; /*  Needs to be signed */
		zend_op_array *op_array;
		zend_op *jmp_addr;
		struct {
			zend_uint var;	/* dummy */
			zend_uint type;
		} EA;
	} u;
} znode;
  • EG -> #define EG(v) (executor_globals.v)